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bigponymac's avatar

A Splash of Pinkie



Not really sure where I was going with this one. This was more of an experiment than anything else. I knew for a fact I wanted to try a slightly different drawing style. I think I like drawing like this better because if feels looser and kind of shies away from the style of the show. I also wanted to try out a simple cel-shaded look and wanted to play around with some vibrant colors.

I was originally going to use a blue and yellow background but decided against it when I saw how nicely the purple and orange combination worked.

I'd also like to mention that most of the paint splatters and textures came from custom brushes I made.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

MLP and Pinkie Pie belongs to Hasbro
Art belongs to me
Image size
2119x2403px 7.32 MB
© 2012 - 2024 bigponymac
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Phenometron's avatar
Pinkie's the perfect party pony. ^^